Builder And Client Inspecting Roof Damage

Ceiling Collapse in Your Apartment: Who’s at Fault?

The Law Office Of Nicholas E. Tzaneteas

ceiling collapse is undoubtedly the worst-case scenario for any New York City tenant. There are various reasons that this catastrophic event could occur, including negligence, leaking plumbing, a lack of maintenance, and more. Whether you were injured or your property was destroyed, you could have a case. If you or someone you know has been involved in a ceiling collapse accident, contact an experienced ceiling collapse attorney in New York City right away.

Who’s at fault?

Most commonly, landlords would be held liable for a ceiling collapse in a New York City apartment building. While the tenant is expected to report any hazards or concerns, it is the sole responsibility of the landlord to address problems and provide a habitable and safe living space. 

According to The Balance, the landlord has the following basic obligations to his or her tenants at all times: keeping the property clean, safe and habitable. The landlord must adhere to all building codes, perform necessary repairs, maintain common areas, keep all vital services, such as plumbing, electricity, and heat, in good working order, must provide proper trash receptacles and must supply running water.

A sagging ceiling due to storm damage or structural errors is considered urgent, requiring immediate attention by the landlord. Therefore, if you notified your landlord of this concern, and he or she did not address it with the level of urgency required, they could be found negligent in a court of law. 

What has to be proven to win my case?

It’s important to note that each case varies. However, as a general rule of thumb, the following points must be proven in order to have a chance at winning a personal injury lawsuit after a ceiling collapse: 

  • The landlord had previous knowledge that the ceiling or structure was not safe, OR
  • The landlord failed to complete the necessary inspections, which would have led to the discovery of the sagging ceiling.

Contact your ceiling collapse attorney

Any defects in the structural integrity of the building need to be addressed immediately. If you believe your landlord was negligent in inspecting or maintaining the building, which caused you personal harm and property damage, contact your personal injury lawyer. Not only is a ceiling collapse scenario stressful, but your livelihood is compromised. You don’t have to navigate this complex and overwhelming process on your own. New York tenants have rights that protect their safety. If a falling ceiling caused property damage, serious injury or a fatality, contact us so that we can help. Call today at (833) 689-3476 for a free consultation.

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