Brooklyn Pedestrian Accident Lawyer

While the number of pedestrian deaths has gone down significantly in New York City the last two years, the number of pedestrians injured each year is still in the tens of thousands. The City has been cracking down on drivers who speed, issuing over 130,000 summons in 2015. But City activists and cyclists groups argue that the efforts have been piecemeal and not that effective. If you or someone you know has been injured in Brooklyn or New York City, contact the #1 Brooklyn Pedestrian Accident Attorney today.

Women cross the road by night wide

Pedestrian accidents in NYC are usually the fault of inattentive and careless drivers or drivers under the influence while operating a motor vehicle. Also among the many causes of pedestrian fatalities and injuries are drivers who speed, run traffic signals or fail to yield the right of way to pedestrians, particularly those within a crosswalk when making a turn. More recently, inattentive or distracted driving has been identified as the most common cause of motor vehicle accidents in New York due to cell phone use while driving.

Larger boulevards and double parking on streets make it much more difficult to cross streets safely. If you are hit by a car as a pedestrian:

  1. Call 911
  2. Take pictures of the accident scene and the car
  3. Gather all driver information
  4. Seek medical attention and remain calm

The Law Office Of Nicholas Tzaneteas, which handles exclusively personal injury and wrongful death claims, has a distinguished reputation for obtaining for its clients the compensation and accountability they rightfully deserve. An injured pedestrian can recover for all of the same damages that someone injured in a car accident or bicycle accident would be entitled to recover, including past and future medical expenses, lost earnings and earning potential, pain and suffering, loss of enjoyment of life, emotional distress, loss of parental or spousal financial support, loss of spousal relations, property damage, incidental expenses, and other types of physical, economic, and sometimes even punitive damages that result from the accident. We work extremely hard to maximize your damage recovery, and endeavor to relieve you of as much burden and hassle as possible so you may put all of your energy towards healing.

If you or a loved one has been seriously injured by a motorist, bus, or cyclist, it is important to contact an attorney who is experienced in handling cases about pedestrian accidents in NYC. You need to hire an attorney who has had years of experience working with the City; with medical experts; and with insurance companies. Call our office and we will assess your case at no cost to you. In fact, there is no cost to you at all unless we win compensation for you.

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