dangerous crossing

Seven Things You Must Do If You’re Involved In A Pedestrian Accident

The Law Office Of Nicholas E. Tzaneteas

Following traumatic experiences, adrenaline courses through the body and we don’t generally think clearly. Victims of Brooklyn pedestrian accidents can experience this and become uncertain as to the next steps that they need to take following the accident.

To guide you in knowing what to do following a pedestrian accident in Brooklyn , here are the seven steps you need to take after an accident.

If possible, move out of the roadway

  • You want to protect yourself from future harm, so if you’re able, move out of the roadway. If not, ask for assistance in moving out of the road or for protection from oncoming traffic.

Ensure the driver doesn’t flee

  • The driver that hit you might try to leave the scene. If they try to flee, be sure to write down or memorize the vehicle’s license plate. If you can, remember the make and model of the vehicle as well, that can help, but focus on the license plate.
  • If the driver gets out to ask you if you’re ok, try to avoid talking about injuries right away. You might have sustained injuries that the adrenaline is keeping you from fully experiencing. Instead, ask that the driver to call 911 or ask them to stay at the scene while you call 911.

Call the police

  • Call the police to come out and document the scene. Regardless of how severe you believe your injuries to be at the time, you want a police report on file in case you experience late-onset injuries. You want to call the police out regardless of whether or not the driver flees the scene of the accident.
  • Wait at the scene until the police arrive. If witnesses come over to help and ask if you’re injured, continue to avoid the question. You don’t want documentation anywhere of you saying you feel fine. Ask the witnesses to stay for the police report if you can.

Document the pedestrian accident

  • Once the police arrive, go into detail about what happened. Have the police talk to any witnesses and evaluate the scene. The police are trained in being able to investigate the scene even if you have moved from the roadway for safety purposes.
  • Ask the police to file a report so that you can get access to that report later on if you need it.

Seek medical attention as soon as possible

  • Following a Brooklyn pedestrian accident, you should be evaluated by a medical professional. Ask to be taken to the local hospital for a medical review. You may have sustained internal injuries or severe injuries that you are currently unaware of. The sooner some injuries are found and diagnosed, the better, as they can have life-altering consequences.

Investigate whether the municipality could be at fault

  • In some Brooklyn  pedestrian accidents, the local municipality is actually at fault. Some crosswalks lack proper timing of lights, intersections can be obscured, or proper signage might be absent that can cause accidents to happen. It is the local jurisdiction’s responsibility to ensure that all intersections and roadways are safe for all users, including drivers and pedestrians.
  • If you have reason to believe that this is the case, be sure to discuss the issue with your Brooklyn pedestrian accident lawyer.

Hire a Brooklyn Pedestrian Accident Lawyer

  • Before you have discussions with an insurance company or talk to the driver again after the accident, hire a Brooklyn pedestrian accident lawyer. You want to be sure you aren’t taking improper steps or saying the wrong things to other parties involved that could keep you from receiving financial assistance later on.

An attorney can walk through the details and evidence with you to help you evaluate whether or not you have a case and what parties might be involved in the case.

The Law Office of Nicholas E. Tzaneteas in New York knows the right steps to take to protect victims of NYC pedestrian accidents. For a free consultation, call 718-285-9955 or email [email protected].

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